A global network of distributors

After Sales is a natural part of our market approach. In close cooperation with our distributors, we strive to offer the best possible after sales solutions. Whether you are an OEM, end user or shipping company, our distributors and OEM application partners are ready to support you.

A distributor near you

Our distributors and OEM application partners are carefully selected partners who have storage facilities and are able to offer fast and on-demand deliveries. They have experience in electric motors and offer product sparring and support.

Authorised Hoyer System Integrators in Asia

Hoyer System Integrators in Asia are authorised sales channel partners that offer Hoyer solution sales. They are specialised in incorporating and optimising our electric motors in various applications.

Use the map below to find a distributor, OEM application partner, or system integrator near you.

Hoyer After Sales setup

Are you interested in becoming a distributor? Read more about our distributor partnerships here or contact us.