1,400 tonnes of soya unloaded in just one hour
A crane manufactured by Belgium’s E-Crane is hard at work loading and unloading grain and soya beans from a barge anchored in the middle of the roaring waters of the Amazon River. Motors manufactured by Hoyer make sure that the crane can handle the heavy loads and fast pace.
All around the world ‒ from the bitter cold of the Arctic Circle, to the stifling heat of the Amazon River ‒ hydraulic cranes manufactured by E-Crane are working to handle scrap iron, move grain, unload coal or dig up mud from the ocean floor. Such tasks often involve heavy loads under demanding, round-the-clock conditions. E-Crane has been using Hoyer as its regular supplier of electric motors since 2012.
Soya from ship to ship
Hoyer recently delivered a powerful, custom-made 630 kW motor for use on a barge-mounted crane, which E-Crane delivered to a client in Brazil. From its position in the middle of the Amazon River, the crane will move grain and soya beans from a broad river barge to smaller vessels.
“This crane is the largest ship-to-ship transfer application we’ve produced so far at E-Crane. The crane is mounted on a 61-metre-long, 22-metre-wide barge which removes the beans directly from the cargo holds of large ships and transfers them to smaller vessels that can pass through the Panama Canal. With its 30 cubicmetre clamshell bucket the crane is capable of moving up to 22.5 tonnes in a single work cycle. At full capacity, it can transfer 1,400 tonnes of soya beans per hour. This means our client can avoid having to unload the beans on land first before transferring them to smaller ships,” explains Gauthier Vermeyen, E-Crane Worldwide’s Production and Operations Manager.
A need for close collaboration
E-Crane uses the Hoyer motors for its entire crane system, which comprises the main motor and smaller applications such as oil pumps and automatic lubricating systems. For E-Crane, it was essential to select a supplier that could document the necessary level of quality and dedication in order to minimise service needs and breakdown risks. A close collaboration between Hoyer and E-Crane, meanwhile, has ensured a high degree of flexibility and rapid communication.
“We chose Hoyer as our supplier because they’re aligned with our expectations in terms of service, quality and price. Our long-term relationship will only grow stronger over time, and we’ve found that we can get quick, correct responses to our queries,” says Mr Vermeyen.'
Information about the crane
- Location: Itacoatiara, AM, Brazil
- Application: Midstream transfer in the Amazon River
- Installation site: Barge
- Reach: 38.2 metres
- Power source: 630 kW / 845 hp electric Hoyer motor
Facts about E-crane
- Has been manufacturing cranes for more than 25 years
- Based in Adegem, Belgium, with subsidiaries in the Netherlands, Indonesia and the US.
- Supplies cranes for bulk cargo, scrap metal and dredging.